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May Monthly News - Presidents' Message

Nell Benton & Meg Doppee

April showed off its best self to Prince William County and the Merrimac Farm Master Naturalists!

The Bluebell Festival was a huge hit as always. (Pictured above.) Thank you to the many volunteers who pulled together another great event honoring one of our most esteemed native wildflowers!

35 young ones attended a Jr. Ranger training and swearing in at Prince William Forest Park on a cold rainy Saturday morning. They made seedballs with native wildflowers. Thanks for the red, blue, purple and yellow flower seeds, Candice Lowther!

Ethan Green and Lisa Matthews organized get-togethers for the iNaturalist City Nature Challenge. Rain on Saturday did not stop intrepid naturalists from contributing to the effort.

In other news, we have finalized a memorandum of understanding with Prince William Forest Park. VMN's will continue helping with their Jr. Ranger program. Emily Hampton will provide forest bathing programs for their staff and the public. Also we will host a Butterfly Day there in August.


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